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The Fund

A fund to which donors contribute in service of movement building and (un-)learning together.

Because together our impact is more powerful and inevitable

HFHP Annual Forum 2024

Photo Credit

Bike of Bees, September 2022
Saskia Richartz

Funded Members

Funded members are those that received funding from the pooled fund for projects in line with the strategic framework and categorised by lever. Below you find a profile of all the funded projects, the lead organisation and members involved, a short description of the project, duration and amount, and to which lever they are contributing. 

To link and learn, you can filter the projects by lever of change (finance, retail or sub-national action), including cross-cutting levers such as narrative shift, engagement with the health sector or strategic litigation.

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A campaign to accelerate ‘radical’ food system's transitions in local areas across France through a national alliance of local areas and national organisations, civil society, local authorities, businesses and academia.
Sub-national Action
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Agroecology Europe

Agroecology Europe

Healthy Food Healthy Planet has granted Agroecology Europe to support the organisation of their Annual Forum 2023 in Hungary.
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Aktion Agrar

Aktion Agrar

A project supporting the campaigns of an activist network of mainly young people that are working to change and put pressure on agriculture corporations.
Sub-national Action
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Amigues de la Terra València

Amigues de la Terra València

This micro-grant will mainly support the implementation of a protocol to measure the quantity of nitrates in the water sources near big factory farms in the region and the presentation of the results to decision makers and the public.
Sub-national Action
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Associação Protectora dos Diabéticos de Portugal
France & Portugal

Associação Protectora dos Diabéticos de Portugal

A project exploring the role of plant-based diets in managing diabetes through healthy diets and integrating diets such as the Mediterranean and Nordic diets.
Narrative Shift
Health Sector Engagement
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Collectif Nourrir

Collectif Nourrir

Weaving is a real art, especially in a network or movement. With Collectif Nourrir, HFHP is trying to finesse the art by investing from the ground up - weaving the existing fabric into new ones - and hence creating a beautiful new tapestry or beehive of food change-makers in Europe.
Narrative Shift
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Confederación de Consumidores y Usuarios (CECU)
Germany, Spain & United Kingdom

Confederación de Consumidores y Usuarios (CECU)

A project to build a common framework for a food system change in Spain, bringing together key actors to develop joint initiatives and campaigns.
Narrative Shift
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Eating Better
United Kingdom

Eating Better

Weaving is a real art, especially in a network or movement. With Eating Better, HFHP is trying to finesse the art by investing from the ground up - weaving the existing fabric into new ones - and hence creating a beautiful new tapestry or beehive of food change-makers in Europe.
Narrative Shift
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Ecologistas en Acción Región Murciana
Germany & Spain

Ecologistas en Acción Región Murciana

A project that campaigns to reduce the level of nitrates being released into the Mar Menor in Spain, a well-publicised crisis, by targeting agriculture and supermarket producers.
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Eurogroup for Animals

Eurogroup for Animals

A policy and public campaign that brings together consumer organisations, public health actors and animal advocates to work on health-consumer-animal welfare angles to help reshape the food system.
Narrative Shift
Health Sector Engagement
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European Public Health Alliance, Eating Better, Wir Haben Es Satt and Reseau Action Climat
France, Germany & United Kingdom

European Public Health Alliance, Eating Better, Wir Haben Es Satt and Reseau Action Climat

Build EPHA, Wir Haben Es Satt and Reseau Action Climat capacities to engage with the health sector.
Health Sector Engagement
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Food Foundation
United Kingdom

Food Foundation

A project to deliver a 1-day Summit aimed at investor-related actors to discuss and share initiatives across the food systems ecosystem.
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Food Voices Coalition

Food Voices Coalition

Feedback EU and its partners join forces in a project that will amplify the voices of citizens in six European countries via a coordinated campaign based on citizens' concerns and demands towards retailers and policy makers in promoting healthy, sustainable, and just food environments
Sub-national Action
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ICLEI European Secretariat

ICLEI European Secretariat

The Buy Better Campaign aims to catalyse the attention, both at the national and European level, on Public Food Procurement as a driver of change by amplifying the actions of local and regional stakeholders. This should build the case for mandatory criteria and implementation strategies as part of the new European policy framework.
Narrative Shift
Sub-national Action
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KLUG (German Alliance on Climate Change & Health)

KLUG (German Alliance on Climate Change & Health)

A project that will engage health actors in animal-sourced foods (ASF) reduction campaigns and build the coalition with key organisations and food system actors.
Narrative Shift
Health Sector Engagement
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Moleskine Foundation

Moleskine Foundation

Supporting creativity for social change!
Narrative Shift
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PKE Gliwice

PKE Gliwice

The aim of the campaign is to protect the environment by curbing the growth of industrial livestock production
Sub-national Action
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The project “Crime & Nourishment” started in 2019 and is dedicated to culinary heritage. It combines gamification and theater techniques with oral testimonies of local communities and elements of tangible & intangible cultural heritage, creating a unique mystery game for people of all ages and backgrounds.
Narrative Shift
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Superlist Environment Germany

Superlist Environment Germany

The campaign aims to trigger a race to the top among the largest German retailers to contribute to a more sustainable, healthier and just food system by selling more plant-based proteins and only higher-standard animal products
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Swedish Food and Environment Information

Swedish Food and Environment Information

This campaign aims to ensure that the city of Stockholm stays within the planetary boundaries when it comes to its municipal food services.
Sub-national Action
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Transitie Coalitie Voedsel
The Netherlands

Transitie Coalitie Voedsel

Weaving is a real art, especially in a network or movement. With Transitie Coalitie Voedsel, HFHP is trying to finesse the art by investing from the ground up - weaving the existing fabric into new ones - and hence creating a beautiful new tapestry or beehive of food change-makers in Europe.
Narrative Shift
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Vegetarian Society of Denmark (DVF)

Vegetarian Society of Denmark (DVF)

A project that aims to engage three key sectors (investment, retail and health) in the transition to reduce meat consumption and production in Denmark whilst sharing international best-practice.
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Wir Haben Es Satt

Wir Haben Es Satt

Weaving is a real art, especially in a network or movement. With Wir Haben Es Satt, HFHP is trying to finesse the art by investing from the ground up - weaving the existing fabric into new ones - and hence creating a beautiful new tapestry or beehive of food change-makers in Europe.
Narrative Shift
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Women Engage for a Common Future France

Women Engage for a Common Future France

A small workshop and education-based project that sits within a larger European project called ‘Nesting’. Aim is to inform parents, health and early childhood professions, and local actors about various health and environmental topics.
Narrative Shift
Health Sector Engagement
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Worker Driven Justice Coalition

Worker Driven Justice Coalition

Ethical consumer and its partners will implement the project “worker driven justice”.
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A dozen European and international foundations, with interests spanning health, climate, animal welfare, just transitions and biodiversity, have contributed to supporting the movement since we started in 2020. Some Funders have both contributed to the pooled fund and devoted staff time to the HFHP co-creation process, others have provided funding. Between 2020 and 2022, contributors to the pooled fund have included the Wellcome Trust, Oak Foundation and ClimateWorks Foundation.

In 2023, a new Swiss Foundation, Fourfold Stiftung, joined the pooled fund to support HFHP’s work.

In addition to those contributing to the pooled fund, there are foundations whose funding is aligned with the strategic framework. We call them aligned funders, and they include the European Climate Foundation and the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation.

We are also working closely with other funder networks such as EFSAF, the European Foundations for Sustainable Agriculture and Food, to coordinate our efforts geared at transforming Europe’s food and agriculture systems.  

The total funding available for HFHP in 2022 was approximately €2.9 million, which was for grant-making, (un-)learning and movement-building. On top of this there was a similar amount in aligned funding as per the visual. In 2023, around €1.9 million is available while fundraising efforts are underway. Of the latter, €1.24 will be set aside for grants, with a particular focus for 2023 on achieving impact in the retail space.

Proposed Funding Flow

We are currently discussing and co-creating our governance structure, aiming for the grant making to be in service of movement building, focusing on collaboration & co-creation rather than competition. We are exploring participatory grant making for 2023, whereby a new body called the Kitchen Table would have funder and civil society representation. making final decisions over grant proposals that will be co-created in the lever Communities of Practice.

Small Grants

Amount of Funding



1-2 sub-national or national

Kitchen Table Approves

on a rolling basis by email/other tool

Additional Criteria

Grant should not be > double annual budget of organisation

Medium Grants

Amount of Funding



2+, national or transnational

Kitchen Table Approves

on a rolling basis by email/other tool

Large Grants

Amount of Funding



multiple, transnational

Kitchen Table Approves

After discussion at quarterly meeting

Want to join us as a funder?

If you are a funder interested in contributing, please fill in the form below and our Fund Manager will get in touch with you.

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