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Superlist Environment Germany

Healthy Food Healthy Planet is co-funding Madre Brava, Questionmark, PAN Germany, Deutsche Umwelthilfe, ProVeg Deutschland, and the Albert Schweitzer Foundation's project  "Superlist Environment Germany”. The campaign aims to trigger a race to the top among the largest German retailers to contribute to a more sustainable, healthier and just food system by selling more plant-based proteins and only higher-standard animal products. This collaborative project was one of the projects co-created at Healthy Food Healthy Planet's co-creation workshop on retail in September 2023 in Geneva. Their project will run until the spring 2025.

Superlist Environment Germany
100 000
12 months
June 2024-May 2025

Key Partners

Madre Brava, Questionmark, PAN Germany, Deutsche Umwelthilfe, ProVeg Deutschland, and the Albert Schweitzer Foundation