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Weaving the Tapestry of Food Change-makers

Building cross-country power and intelligence by creating “weaver roles” in four national food coalitions

Weaving is a real art, especially in a network or movement! HFHP is trying to finesse the art by investing from the ground up - weaving the existing fabric into new ones - and hence creating a beautiful new tapestry or beehive of food change-makers in Europe.

Practically, it means we are investing in Wir Haben Es Satt /MeineLandwirtschaft in Germany, Collectif Nourrir in France, Transitiecoalitie Voedsel in The Netherlands and Eating Better in the UK. To strengthen them according to their own set of priorities, to build up cross-country power and intelligence, each coalition has created a 'weaver' or equivalent title. Within HFHP, the weavers will support building and coordinating our Communities of Practice in Retail, Finance and Sub-nationalAction.

In France, we are investing in Collectif Nourrir, a collective of 53 organisations aiming for a fairer, more democratic,sustainable, and agro-ecological agrifood system in France. As a network facilitator and event coordinator, the weaver will strengthen and consolidate the French and the European networks by facilitating communication and experience-sharing between all its members.

Collectif Nourrir
12 months
1 January 2023- 31 December 2023

Key Partners

Wir Haben Es Satt in Germany, Eating Better in the United Kingdom, Transitie Coalitie Voedsel in the Netherlands